Contact Us For Paving Contractor Service
For professional paving contractor service, trust in Carron Asphalt Paving, Inc serving the Cleveland, OH area. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about our services or would like to request a quote. We pave parking lots, survey construction sites, and more.
Carron Asphalt Paving, Inc
7615 Bond St
Solon, OH 44139
Phone: (440) 399-7889
Fax: 440-439-9562

Rick Friess | President
Responsibilities include project delivery, coordination, management, and scheduling, along with estimating and engineering specific projects for a variety of customers.

Dick Thornton | Vice President | Estimating Engineer | Project Manager
Responsibilities include estimating new projects on both new construction and rehabilitation projects, providing engineering services, and hands-on project management.

Shawn Patrick | Dirt Crew Superintendent | Safety Director
Responsibilities include planning and scheduling excavation and installation of underground utilities, concrete, and materials, and more importantly, educating crews and subcontractors as to job safety standards through a series of annual classes.

Brian Friess | Project Manager
Responsibilities include in-house participation in our estimation process on both new projects and of rehabilitation, along with project management for projects in progress.

Michael Nelson | Controller
Responsibilities include accounts, corporate finances, and employee assistance programs.